May 21st to June 20th
The Individual & Personal Character of the Sign Gemini
This is the first sign of the airy triplicity, also the first of themutable signs. The airy triplicity governs the mental conditions ofhumanity, hence we find those born in this sign living more in themind, but, owing to the sign belonging to the mutable group, theyare dualistic—this being the main feature of the mutable signs, andfrom this comes the tendency to express two conditions and an inclination at times to be rather easily influenced on one side or the other.Gemini governs the lungs, also the hands and arms, hence it may beseen that one hand may act differently to the other. These personsare rarely content with a single occupation or pursuit, and seem todelight in having two things in hand at the same time. They canvery quickly adapt themselves to surroundings or environment andthey are remarkable for their versatility, but they are very sensitiveand have the ability to reason upon and analyze their sensations. They love change and diversity, and they are always thebest persons to rely upon in an emergency, as they can instantly respond to the requirements of the moment. They love variety ofthought and all mental pursuits, and these they sometimes carry intoextremes ; they seem to take an especial delight in leaving their work unfinished. They will take up one thing,. partly finish it, and then goon to another, which they also feel inclined to leave unfinished ; therefore their best work is done when co-operating with others, and whenworking in unity with those who understand their peculiaritiesthey are capable of great attainments in life, but the spirit ofdiversity often makes them experience two extremes during their life.They can be generous and also somewhat careful and near. They.can present a bold front and assertive attitude, and yet he timid andhighly nervous. They are conservative and progressive, and altogether quite dualistic subjects, which makes them difficult for othersto understand.We have known persons born in this sign who have expressed adesire to he in two places at the same moment, but on the wholethey are rather impulsive, and this generally decides the line theyshall take. They appear to be unable to stand any worry oranxiety, which quite unnerves them ; yet when left alone to work outtheir own designs, in accordance with their own peculiar methods,they can do a great amount of useful work. They must, however,first realize that they consist of many compartments, so to speak.When they change their times for working and thinking, and, infact, live in a life of change, they can succeed very well ; theymust have diversity ;. this may make them appear to their friends veryfickle and indecisive, but it is their particular way of working, therefore perfectly legitimate to them. Throughout the whole of their lifethey must expect dual impressions and many contradictory states ofconsciousness, and being very sensitive, nervous, and highly-strung, they should try to analyze the particular mood they happen to be in, and it would he well for them to endeavor not to be swayed by themental thought-spheres of others. They are somewhat ambitious,but it is more a mental ambition for refinement and better conditions.All those born in this sign possess fine organic quality, and theability to become very clever. They are certainly quick-witted andmentally impulsive, and they seem to draw a great deal on what is really an inspirational nature. The chief characteristics of their individuality are force and motive ; when they seek to discover their motives for their actions they may be considered very progressive, but when they live the unbalanced personal life, they become verydiffusive,indecisive and unreliable.The sign Gemini governs the lungs, arms, hands, and theshoulders, and their disease or ill-health is mostly caused by excess ofactivity and worry ; this brings nervous disorders, which belong tothe airy triplicity, and consumptive tendencies belonging to themutable signs, therefore their concern should be less activity andexcitement, and a freedom from all anxiety and worry. It sometimesbecomes necessary for them to study the laws of hygiene with regard to diet, and they require plenty of sleep.These persons succeed best in all work where the hands areemployed ; they make excellent book-keepers, clerks and commercialtravelers; they love variety of employment or posts where the mindcan be engaged in two avocations at the same time. Their best outletis in the literary world, and as editors, reporters and newspaper menthey have splendid facilities. They also have the ability to come in touch with the public mind, they can therefore cater well forthe public literary taste. Their professions should be accountants,solicitors, attendants, post office officials, clerks, decorative artists,school-masters, guides, journalists, lecturers, milliners, photographers, postmen, railway employees, secretaries and translators.These persons would do well to marry those born in the airy orfiery triplicities.We may sum up the Gemini type of person born between May20th and June loth as dualistic and restless, intellectual and sensational, nervous and irritable ; like the air, to which triplicity theybelong, they must ever be moving from place to place or thought tothought. Forming as they do the last of the intellectual trinity,they seem to be able to express the two foregoing signs in themselves,and if we were to think of Aries as the father and Taurus as the mother, Gemini may be considered as the child of these twain. Indeed, it would seem as if they wereevertrying to blend the idealwith the practical, the life with the form. All that is contained inthe spirit-matter of the positive and negative union of Aries withTaurus is seeking an expression in the consciousness of Gemini.They are, as it were, placed between two poles, and are ever beingcalled upon to decide towards which side they shall lean. The experience of their life is obtained from duality, out of which motiveis tp be evolved.